Chapter 9. Oxygen
Answers to  Questions

  1. 216 mL

2. 30.1 ppm

3. (a) diamagnetic; (b) BO = 3

4. s-MOs:


5.  -57 kJ/mol

6.  CF2Cl2    CF2Cl + Cl DH = + 339 kJ

 CF2Cl2  CFCl2 + F  DH = + 485 kJ

7.  CF2Cl2    CF2Cl + Cl DH = + 339 kJ



H2O2    C2h
O3       C2v
HO2-    Cs
H2O    C2v
O2-2    Dooh
H3O+    C3v

10.  B2

11.  doublet

12. Use DE = hc/l to get 650 nm


(a) 1.67 g CH4 at 100% efficiency
(b) 11.14 g needed at 15% efficiency
(c) 17.0 L CH4


(b) no, this is an unusual example; carbon is the king of catenation.


(a) SO2 sulfur dioxide
(b) O3 ozone
(c) CaSO4 calcium sulfate
(d) MgCO3 magnesium carbonate
(e) KO2 potassium superoxide
(f) Na2O2 sodium peroxide
(g) Li2O lithium oxide
(h) BaO2 barium peroxide
(i) H2O2 hydrogen peroxide
(j) Al2O3 aluminum oxide

16.  (b) the bond energies between oxygen and 1st or 2nd row elements are larger (more stable) than bond energies between oxygen and the other elements, even though they have similar electronegativities

(a) MgO has larger coulombic attraction (+2 and -2) between ions compared to NaF which has +1 and -1.
(b) should be intermediate in strength

18.  S-O bond energies are greater than those for O-O; SO2 has an additional resonance form, O=S=O, unavailable to O3 because the central atom has 10 e.  This latter rez form also has FC = 0 on all three atoms.

19.  (a) first one must convert to mole fraction:  210,000 ppm O2

XO2 = 0.21 and XO3 = 10/1 x 106 = 1 x 10-5

PO2 = XO2 x Ptot and PO3 = XO3 x Ptot

Kp = PO23/PO32 = (XO2 x Ptot)3/(XO3 x Ptot)2

Kp = (XO2)3/(XO3)2 x Ptot

Kp = 0.213/(1 x 10-5)2 x Ptot

Kp = 9 X 107 X Ptot

20.  DH = -200 kJ