Instructions: Circle the best answer for each question.
The Reagent Shelf.
These compounds are available
as pure substances or in solution, as appropriate for your needs.
Acids | Bases | Boron | Carbon | Halogens | Hydrogen |
B2O3 BF3 Na2B4O7.10 H2O NaBH4 NaBO3.4 H2O |
CaC2 CO CO2 Na2CO3 Na2CO3 NaHCO3 |
Cl2 I2 KBr KI NaCl |
H2 LiAlH4 NaBH4
Metals, Metal Salts | Oxygen | Nitrogen | Phosphorus | Silicon | Sulfur |
Cu(NO3)2 Mg MgO MnO2 Zn Zn(NO3)2 |
H2O2 Na2O O2 O3
NaNO2 NH3(aq) NH3(g)
H3PO3 H3PO4 P(red) P4 P4O10
FeS Na2S Na2SO3 NaHSO3 S8 SO2 SO3 |
1. Which one of the following statements about 14C is FALSE?
A. Trace levels of 14C are found in all living matter.2. Rank the allotropes of carbon in order of decreasing density.
B. The half-life of 14C is approximately 5730 years.
C. 14C is produced by the bombardment of 14N with thermal neutrons in the upper atmosphere.
D. 14C has two neutrons more than the most stable isotope of carbon.
E. The ratio of 14C:12C in a 250 million year old sample of dolomite would be greater than in a sample of bone thought to be 500 years old.
A. diamond > graphite > buckminsterfullerane3. Recall the differences between inorganic and organic carbon in order to select the one compound from these choices that would be considered 'organic'
B. diamond > buckminsterfullerane > graphite
C. graphite > buckminsterfullerane > diamond
D. graphite > diamond > buckminsterfullerane
E. buckminsterfullerane > diamond > graphite
F. buckminsterfullerane > graphite> diamond
A. calcium carbide D. formaldehyde (methanal)4. What is the difference between the carbides 'methanide' and 'acetylide'?
B. sodium bicarbonate E. carbon tetrachloride
C. carbon monoxide F. oxalic acid
A. Methanide is C-4 and acetylide is C2-4. B. Methanide is C-4 and acetylide is C2-2.5. How many s- and p-bonds are present in buckminsterfullerane :
C. Methanide is C2-4 and acetylide is C-4. D. Methanide is C2-4 and acetylide is C2-2.
E. Methanide is C-2 and acetylide is C2-2. F. Methanide is C-2 and acetylide is C2-4.
A. 90 s-bonds and 30 p-bonds6. Which of the following is NOT likely to be found in the combustion zone of a methane flame?
B. 90 s-bonds and 60 p-bonds
C. 90 s-bonds and no p-bonds
D. 180 s-bonds and 60 p-bonds
E. 180 s-bonds and no p-bonds
A. CH3O B. OH C. H D. CH E. CHO7. Which one of the following important carbon-containing anions is correctly named?
A. C2O4-2, dicarbonate B. HCO3-, carbonite C. CN-, cyanide8. The species C2-2, CN-, and CO all have the same Lewis dot structure. What else do they have in common?
D. C2H3O-2, methanoate E. C2-2, carbate
A. The bond order is 2.0 for all three.9. From what you observed of the physical properties of liquid carbon dioxide, which statement is FALSE? Liquid carbon dioxide . . .
B. All three are paramagnetic.
C. They all have sp2 hybridization
D. The formal charge on carbon is -1 in all three.
E. They have more than one of the above in common.
F. They have none of the above in common.
A. is colorless.10. What is one of the products of the reaction between NaOH(aq) and CO2(g)?
B. exists at room temperature at high pressure.
C. has a very high surface tension.
D. does not exist under standard conditions.
E. can be prepared from dry ice.
A. sodium carbide D. sodium formic (sodium methanoate)11. The anion cyanamide, CN2-2 is connected as: [N-C-N]-2. Sketch its Lewis dot structure(s) and assign formal charges to select the best structure. Which of these statements is true regarding the best structure?
B. carbon monoxide E. sodium carbonate
C. hydrogen peroxide
A. The structure utilizes two double bonds.12 and 13. Reagent shelf. What are the two chemicals that you heated together in order to produce samples of CH4(g)?
B. The formal charge on carbon is +1.
C. The structure is bent.
D. The formal charges on the nitrogens can never be the same.
E. The hybridization on carbon is sp3.
14 and 15. Reagent shelf. What are the two chemicals that you used in order to produce samples of C2H2(g)?
1. E
2. A
3. D
4. B
5. A
6. D
7. C
8. D
9. C
10. E
11. A
12/13. NaC2H3O2 + NaOH
14/15 CaC2/H2O