Chapter 10. Sulfur
Answers to  Questions


FeAsS     arsenopyrite

Bi2S3     bismuthinite

HgS     cinnabar

CoAsS     cobaltite

PbS     galena

MoS2     molybdenite

FeS2     pyrite

Sb2S3     stibnite

WS2     tungstite

2. orthorhombic below 96 oC (cell lengths all unique and cell angles all 90 o); monoclinic above 96 oC (cell lengths all unique and two cell angles = 90 o and one cell angle < 90o)

3. (a) S2-2; (b) O2-2; (c) persulfide

4. (a) fcc, therefore four FeS2 units per unit cell
 (b) 551 pm
 (c) sketch fcc

5. soft; soft

6. starte to polymerize

7. Remember 1 ppm = 1 mg/kg and 1 ppb is 1 mg/1000 kg (or 1 mg/kg)
 Therefore 0.1 mg Po/1000 kg ore = 0.1 ppb Po


9. q = -299 kJ

10. H2O + SO3-2 + Br2   2 Br- + SO4-2 + 2 H+

11. Simply add the four equations as written this time:

S(s) + O2(g)   SO2(g) DHo = -297 kJ

SO2(g) + 1/2 O2(g)  SO3(g) DHo = -98 kJ

SO3(g) + H2O(l)   H2SO4(l) DHo = -230 kJ

H2(g) + 1/2 O2(g)   H2O(l)  DHo = -286 kJ

All added together:
H2 + S(s) + 2 O2(g)   H2SO4(l)  DHo = -911 kJ


(a) high pressure and low temperature

(b) DS < 0

(c) use high temperature to increase the rate but not so high as to make it non-spontaneous.
