Chemical Information:
Student Opportunities (Scholarships, etc.)Material Data Safety Sheets. This is Creighton University's Environmental Health and Safety page that links to MSDS information sheets for most chemicals.Creighton University's Hazardous Materials Manual is also located at the Environmental Health and Safety page.
University of Sheffield's Big Element Database. Physical and Chemical Properties of the Elements. Fantastic website for looking up physical and chemical properties of elements. Includes background information, uses, etc. Click on any element on the big colorful periodic table and away you go! Loaded with lots of multimedia (sounds, pics, movies). Author: Mark Winter.
Journals:Journal of Chemical Education. Free JCE Index Online Search. JCE Index contains citations for all articles published in the Journal.Professional Organizations, Career Planning:Chem13 News. Best journal for high school and first year college teachers! Very interesting and inexpensive. Ten issues per year. Each issue is filled with a wealth of teacher-friendly chemistry.
American Chemical Society. This is the website for the American Chemical Society. ACS Library, ACS Publications, journals, hot articles, magazines, books, Search Databases, Chemcyclopedia, Build Your Career, ChemJobs, salaries, networking, grants, continuing education, Chemistry in the News, Educational Resources for K-8, high school, college and much more.
National Defense Science and Engineering Scholarships for Graduate Students. This site provides information and application forms for graduate school scholarships. Application deadline is January of each year.