Download pdf files of our of our book, Microscale Gas Chemistry.

For classroom use by chemistry teachers.  This website provides instructions for the generation of gases on a microscale level inside 60 mL syringes along with instructions for chemical demonstrations and student laboratory experiments with the gases.  This site is designed for use by chemistry teachers at the high school and university level.  Students and other interested readers are welcome to visit the site to learn more about chemistry but are hereby advised not to perform or attempt to perform any of the instructions provided herein without proper supervision by someone qualified and competent in chemistry.  Be advised that irresponsible use of chemicals may cause injury and may be unlawful in your area.

USA Copyright 2000, 2017.  All rights reserved.  No part of this website may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, without written permission from the website owner, Bruce Mattson (eMail:  For classroom use by teachers, one copy per student in the class may be made free of charge and without further permission.  For all others, one copy may be made without further permission.

Individuals using this website and performing the experiments described herein accept full responsibility for all that results directly or indirectly from these activities.  Bruce Mattson, all co-authors and Creighton University shall be absolved of any and all responsibility for the result of activities conducted from information and instructions provided in this website.

Agree to the above conditions and proceed to download page.  Return to home page.

Part 1. Getting started                         
Chapter 1 Getting Started — Generating Carbon Dioxide in a Large Syringe               
Chapter 2 Experiments with Carbon Dioxide       
Chapter 3 Hydrogen                            
Chapter 4 Oxygen