A chemistry laboratory experiment. |
Bruce Mattson
and Emily Saunders
Department of Chemistry,
Creighton University
Omaha, Nebraska 68178
Note: This article first appeared in Chem13 News, 303, May, 2002.
Iron(III) oxide is an ocher red powdery solid that is known as the mineral haematite (hematite in USA) and is the principal component of most iron ore. It is also used as a pigment and as a polishing agent called jewelers’ rouge.
Fe2O3 can be used to demonstrate both physical and chemical changes. Upon heating Fe2O3 with a burner flame, the solid turns into a dark brown-black solid variation of Fe2O3. This form reverts back to the original color upon cooling to room temperature. Neither form is attracted to a magnet.
When heated, Fe2O3 reacts with hydrogen to form metallic iron according to the reaction:
+ 3 H2(g)
2 Fe(s) + 3 H2O(g)
In this article, we describe this reaction as a microscale experiment suitable for high school and college students. The reaction takes place in a glass pipette and uses less than 0.25 g Fe2O3 and 50-mL H2(g). The metallic iron that results is attracted to a magnet and demonstrates that nearly complete conversion has taken place. The other product, H2O, is detected as droplets inside the pipette stem. This experiment demonstrates both physical and chemical changes and costs less than $0.15 per pair of students and can be completed within a 40-minute laboratory period. A similar reaction can be performed as a large scale demonstration as shown in the video series “World of Chemistry.” 2
Before any heating takes
place, Fe2O3 is not
to the magnet.
Heating the Fe2O3
and then passing the hydrogen through the tube.
As an optional continuation
of this experiment, the elemental iron produced in the pipette can be
with oxygen to form Fe2O3
4 Fe(s) + 3 O2
2 Fe2O3
The iron filings glow bright
white as the oxygen passes through.
The iron attracted to the
magnet in the previous picture
has been mostly converted
back to Fe2O3 by passing
through the pipet at elevated
temperature. Notice that a
small amount of iron remains
and is attracted to the magnet.
Chemicals and materials needed:3
• (2) 60-mL plastic syringes
• Latex syringe caps
• 2-cm lengths of Latex tubing, 1/8-inch (3.175 mm) ID
• small Bunsen burner
• glass Pasteur pipette
• magnet
• wooden stick such as a kabob skewer to tamp the steel wool into the pipette
• ring stand and clamp
• Silicone oil or spray
• Fe2O3, 0.25 g
• hydrogen (5 mL 2 M HCl, 0.1 g Mg ribbon, powder or turnings)
• ‘000’ steel wool, 0.1 g
• Optional: oxygen (5 mL 3 - 6% H2O2, 0.1 g KI )
Use a wooden stick to
tamp a small plug of steel wool into the constricted portion of a glass
Pasteur pipette as shown in Figure 1. Add 0.25 g powdered Fe2O3
to the pipette. While holding the pipette in a horizontal
tap the pipette with your finger near the steel wool plug until most of
the Fe2O3 has accumulated
a mound as shown in Figure 1. Position the pipette horizontally
a clamp and ring stand. Fasten the clamp near the end with the
Figure 1. The pipette microscale reaction device.
wear safety glasses. Gases in syringes may be under pressure and
could spray liquid chemicals. Follow the instructions and only
the quantities suggested.
laboratory activity is suited for high school and university-level
lubricating the black rubber diaphragm of the plunger with silicone
(available from hardware stores) or medium-grade silicone oil
Innovations Number GAS-150)
of Hydrogen:
Prepare a syringeful of hydrogen
from 0.1 g Mg (powder, ribbon or turnings) and 3 - 5 mL 2 M
Detailed instructions can be found at our website4 or in our
two microscale gas books.5, 6
Part 1. Hold a magnet above the mound
of Fe2O3 inside the
The compound is not magnetic so nothing should happen. Heat the
of Fe2O3 with the flame
of a
Bunsen burner. Within a few seconds the color of the solid will
Remove the flame and again hold the magnet above the dark Fe2O3.
This variation is also non-magnetic.7 Allow the
to cool for 5 minutes and the original color and form of Fe2O3
will return.
Part 2. Connect the H2-filled syringe to the pipette using a short length of latex tubing. Heat the Fe2O3 again and then slowly pass the hydrogen gas through the pipette. The powder will quickly darken. Water droplets should appear inside the stem of the pipette. After all of the hydrogen has been passed through the pipette, remove the heat and allow the pipette to cool. Holding a magnet above the mound of solid will attract the metallic powdered iron to the top of the pipette (the third color photograph in the sequence above).
Part 3. (Optional) Prepare
syringeful of oxygen. (Air can be used instead of oxygen, but the
results are not as good.) Heat the iron powder in the flame until
it is hot. Slowly pass a syringe of oxygen through the pipette
heating. The iron will glow brightly white as it reacts with the
Remove the heat and allow the pipette to cool to room
Hold the magnet in position above the pipette. Much of the iron
have been oxidized back to Fe2O3
and is non-magnetic. The oxidation is not as efficient as the
in Part 2, so some metallic iron usually remains.
and Storage.
At the end of the experiments,
clean all syringe parts (including the diaphragm), caps and tubing with
soap and water. Rinse all parts with distilled water. Be
with the small parts because they can easily be lost down the drain.
Store plunger out of barrel. The pipettes filled with Fe and Fe2O3
may be safely discarded in the trash.
Report Sheet
Part 1.
Length of time sample was heated before it turned dark:Part 2.
Observations for the initial heating of Fe2O3:
Results of magnet test:
Volume of hydrogen passed through the pipette (over the Fe2O3):Part 3.
Time it took to pass the hydrogen through the pipette:
Observations for the reaction between Fe2O3 and H2:
Results of magnet test:
Volume of oxygen passed through the pipette (over the iron):
Time it took to pass the oxygen through the pipette:
Observations for the reaction between Fe(s) and O2:
Results of magnet test:
Laboratory Report Questions.
1. Balance the equation for the reaction between Fe2O3 and H2.Website.
2. Calculate the rate of hydrogen flow in mL/min.
3. Why is it necessary to heat the Fe2O3 in order for it to react?
4. Substances that are attracted to a magnet are called ferromagnetic. Is Fe2O3 ferromagnetic? Is Fe?
5. Calculate the number of moles of Fe2O3 used in the pipette. Calculate the number of moles of H2 passed through the pipette. Which reagent was in excess?
6. As the reaction between oxygen and iron took place, a bright white glow may have been observed. Does this indicate an exothermic or endothermic reaction?
1 Author to whom correspondence should be
E-mail: xenon@creighton.edu
2 The syringe and related equipment can be ordered
from a variety of vendors including Educational Innovations, Flinn
(US sales only), S17 Science Supplies, Micromole, Fisher Scientific,
Part numbers and links to their websites
are provided at our microscale gas website (Endnote 3)
3 Website: http://mattson.creighton.edu/Microscale_Gas_Chemistry.html
4 The Chemistry of Gases, A Microscale Approach,
Mattson, B. M., Anderson, M. P., Schwennsen, Cece, Flinn
Scientific, 1999, ISBN #1-877991-54-6.
5 Microscale Gas Chemistry, Mattson, B. M., Educational
Innovations, 2000, ISBN #0-9701077-0-6.
6 Fe2O3
has a fairly complex solid-state chemistry. Under normal
it exists in a form called a-Fe2O3.
At temperatures above 400 ? 700 oC (references vary), it
to a ferromagnetic form called g-Fe2O3.
The temperature inside the pipette when we see Fe2O3
darken is no more than 140 oC. Although we are far
certain, it is known that crystal defects can lead to color changes
Emily Saunders, the
student working on this progect.
by her St Albert's Day poster, Creighton University, November 11, 2002
Last updated 1 Feb 2010