Gas Chemistry
Chem 13 News 40th Anniversary Commemorative Issue
Supplemental Materials
Go to our gas chemistry
1. Original article (Get pdf)
2. A Brief History of Gas Chemistry (Get pdf)
3. Details for Preparing Gases in Syringes (Get pdf)
4. Table of Contents of our book listing all 17 gases and 144
experiments (Get pdf)
5. The complete carbon dioxide sample chapter (Get pdf)
6. The complete
molar mass of a gas sample chapter (Get
7. Our ozone articles: the first one in JChemEd (2003) and the second
one in
Chem13 News (2007) or
third one (dealing with bacteria in natural water samples) in Chem13 News (2007)
8. Other microscale gas chemistry methods (Get

gas enthusiasts in our BCCE 2008 workshop at Indiana University.